Call for Abstracts Now Open!

The journey towards achieving comprehensive and sustainable family planning in Nigeria has been challenging and dynamic. Over the years, the Association for the Advancement of Family Planning (AAFP) has diligently collaborated with the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, alongside partner organizations and government agencies, to advance the cause of family planning across the nation.

Since its inception in 2010, the Nigeria Family Planning Conference has served as a pivotal platform for stakeholders to convene, exchange ideas, and strategize on how best to address the pressing issues surrounding family planning in our country. However, despite concerted efforts and notable achievements, recent developments paint a sobering picture of the current state of affairs. Nigeria continues to grapple with persistently high fertility rates, stagnant contraceptive prevalence rates, and alarming maternal mortality rates. In response to these critical developments and recognizing the imperative for decisive intervention, AAFP and the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in collaboration with their esteemed partners, are poised to convene the 8th Edition of the Nigeria Family Planning Conference in December 2024.

The AAFP, in Collaboration With Federal Ministry Of Health And Social Welfare and partner organizations, is pleased to invite submissions of abstracts for the upcoming conference on “Sustaining Commitments for Family Planning within the Nigeria Health Sector Renewal Investment Programs in Advancing the Progress toward Achieving FP2030.”

The deadline for submissions is September 30th, 2024
Theme and Sub-Themes

The central theme of the conference is Sustaining Commitments for Family Planning within the Nigeria Health Sector Renewal Investment Programs in Advancing the Progress toward Achieving FP2030.” The following sub-themes will be explored:


  • From Policy to Practice: Bridging the Gap for Effective Family Planning Services through the Sector-Wide Approach
  • Advancing Family Planning Through Strengthened Multi-Stakeholder Accountability, Rights-Based Quality Services, and Total Market Approach
  • Advocacy and Resource Mobilisation: Advancing Sustainable Financing for Family Planning
  • Addressing Equity. Inclusion and Vulnerabilities in FP Programming in Nigeria
  • Leveraging technology and Innovation to Improve Family Planning Space in Nigeria
  • Leveraging the Private Sector for Investment and Expansion of Right-Based Quality Family Planning Services.
  • Enhancing Investments in the Next Generation: Ensuring Right-Based Reproductive Health Services for Adolescents and Young Persons
  • Strengthening investments in Faith Leadership, Community, and Health Systems for Improved Demand Generation for Family Planning programming in Nigeria

Submission Guidelines

  • Abstract should be 250 words or less.
  • Abstract must include Background, aim/objectives, methods, results and conclusion.
  • Use 12-point font size and Times Roman font.
  • Keywords should not exceed five.

Notification of Acceptance

Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by 15th October, 2024 and invited to present their work during the conference.

All abstracts accepted will be published in the Conference Proceedings.